
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Tell me your real name : Dk Zati Zakirah
Your nickname(s) : Zati, Zakirah, Zet
Most weird name you were called : Gundul (my dad tuuu.. hahaha)
How about the most annoying? : I don't think there is any
Your sex : Female of course
Your sexuality : Heterosexual
Your Birthdate : 4th February 1988
Your sign: Aquarius
Your current location : Living room
Tell us about your lineage : ?
Your ethinicity : Malay
Are you single/taken/attached/not available/available/married? : taken, attached, not available, married (hahaha)
Highschool/College/University/Working? : college
What subjects or course are you taking? : ND in Business & Finance
What's your occupation? : I am a STUDENT
Do you drive? : Yes
Legally or illegally? : Illegally (huhu)
Do you smoke? : No..what for?
What is/are your fear(s)? Err..haven't think about it..
Honestly, do you think your attractive? : Nope
Smart? : At times (hah)
Funny? : Nope..
What is/are your most over-used expressions? : Ask my frens
What about your most over-used pose? : Ask my frens 
Would you date someone ten years younger or older? : Definitely a NO
Best physical asset(s) of the opposite sex? Tummy, Ass, Hair, Nails.
Best non-physical asset(s) of the opposite sex? I don't see any.. 
Best physical and non-physical asset YOU think you have? Hah..tricky question. Ask my Eyan.
Now list out the people you want to tag! Ermm..entah ah..