Last day of school..

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Yay..HOLIDAY. the word of it makes me relax. hah. I just love holiday but for sure there will be alot of assignments to attend and i've to revise because the supposedly BA exam on the 19th was postponed to 31st. and erm..cousins are busy too getting married on the last week of holiday. sigh. This friday will be the "nikah" day and "mengantar berian" eh entah. for today, there were cleaning campaign at school. here are pictures on the cleaning campaign..i didn't take alot of pictures..**not in the mood** 

^Above are the service centre where exam is often held there.

^The last picture is my class. Everything was moved aside..eheh. To Anoy: I'm sorry that I didn't give your pictures today. 

I'll be home soon. w/o abnormal. To a friend: hope you could at least share your problem with us and not putting us aside (not forcing&begging). its always your choice. Honestly saying, I don't feel comfortable (YES..I'm the straight-forward type. I don't care if people are going to hate me. I always love being hated and that's a common thing).

Peeps..Happy holiday. Have fun. InsyaAllah i'll come on Saturday. Blajar.. blajar.. blajar.. hahaha. Hugs.