My weekend - Badminton, Futsal, Business School Anniversary and Bike expidition

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Work like usual. Played badminton later that night at harun's gym from 730-9pm. Zaty did her school work at home.

^My office mess hehehe


Sent zaty to school in the morning, went to pay electricty and astro bills. Picked zaty up and had lunch at the mall. Went to look for zaty's dress for the business school's 3rd year anniversary celebration. Left her d gdg around 4 and i went to harun's gym again to play futsal for the bloggers' vs the media. Us bloggers won.

Went back home, got shower and went to pick zaty d gdg. We left to asma hotel around 8 for the anniversary celebration. It was ok ok lah, not that bad. But the organisers' could have done a better job organising it.

^Cutting the anniversary cake

^The couples

^Treasure hunt prize... guess what it is? 2 big packs of IndoMee Goreng hahahaha


Woke up around 7 and went to Pejabat Perumahan at old airport. My dad and second bro is joining the bike expedition. I went there using my 10r and escorting them around and taking pictures. They went from old airport to the big qlap roundabout, pass the beribi filling station, went pass sheraton hotel, pass soas college, to hua ho mall manggis, went to the airport, passed the S.M.Berakas, passed the M.O.D and went back to the old airport. Finished around 930, went back home to pack and went back to tutong around 11+

^The Pehin Ministry of Development leading the way

^My bro and my dad

^You've probably seen this guy from Anakbrunei's post.

^The Pehin Ministry of Development on his way to the finishing point

Datang Tutong, rehat, liat tv, had lunch and then went to Tutong Central Mall with the family.

Btw, can any of you guess where this picture below was taken?