Monday, December 1, 2008

by.. Gaara and Ilah..

the rules of tagging are:

1) You have to take your picture right now! (yes now, no editing, no fixing your hair or anything)

2) Post the picture immediately at your blog

3) Post it together with these rules

4) Tagged five other bloggers to do the same thing.

1) Where and when was your last kiss?

morning kiss. bedroom.

2) What color underwear/boxers/thong wearing now?

light blue kaliii (mcm palui jua qs ani)

3) What are you listening to right now?

Brandy - 1st & love

4) Whats your favorite number?

4 and 2

5) What was the last thing you ate?

rice and sardine

6) When was the last time you smiled?

few minutes ago

7) How is the weather right now?

It looks like its gonna rain

8 ) Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?


9) What is your worst habit?

nap in the evening.

10) Do you drink?

minum plg. water, juice...

11) Do you smoke?


12) When was the last time, if ever, you blacked out?

5 years ago kali.. 

13.) Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Boyfriend yes.

14) Your Hair color?

black and half-dyed

15) Eye Color?

Brown I think (not that ku perasan)

16) Do you wear contacts?

At times...

17) Favorite day?

December holiday atm. lol.

18) Favorite Month?:

when there is a longggg holiday.. that'll be December. haha. 

19) Have you ever cried for no reason?

idk. never thought of that.

20) What was the last movie you watched?


21) Favorite Day of the Year?


22) Are you too shy to ask someone out?

nope.. if its with the beau. well.. I dont have any other people to ask out other than friends.. no.. im not shy to my frens.

23) Last advice you received?

"Its better for you to finish it early than later" Ms Aida. lol.

24) What was the highlight of your weekend?

Family Day and fully-booked

25) Chocolate or Vanilla?


26) What is the last text message you received?

"Hun balik kul brapa?cpul aga Hun kah?me ani pkir2 klw cpul aga,me kn ikut keluar escape kan mbil kratas hahaha" - eyan. nvm that.. and that plan didnt work! lol

27) What is the last text message sent?

"m bru jaln dari rmh ne.cpul antar.drg my adi nda jd jaln pasl kwnnya nda betantu ah."

28) Who was the last person you call?


29) What was the last sports game you watched?


30) When was the last time you slept in someoneelse’s bed?

I couldn't recall any.. cause I never feel comfortable sleeping at someone else's bed. so yea.. I think the last time is at Yana's place.

31) Favorite movies?


32) Favorite football Team?


33) What were you doing before this?

on the phone with Eyan.

34) Any pets?

not anymore.

35) Favorite Drink?

Belgian chocolate. Dasani. Sports drink.

36) Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?

plain. well.. to be exact.. I want it with honey.

37) Dogs or cats?


38) Favorite flower?

I like all.

39) When was the last time you got in trouble?

trouble as in? attendance.. on August. lol. 

40) Have you ever loved someone?

nada eh.. duuhh.. yes definitely.

41) Who would you like to see right now?

VJ Utt. haha. jk. no one I guess. 

42) Are you still friends with people from kindergarten?


43) Have you ever fired a gun?

in games. arcade. haha.

44) Do you like to travel by plane?

so far.. yes. 

45) What websites do you go to frequently,besides friendster?

blogspot ONLY. 

46). If you could be with anybody right now who would it be?


47) How many pillows do you sleep with?


48) Are you missing someone?

nope atm.

49) How was your day?

my body ache like hell. my feet hurts. the effect from sunburn is killing me. 

50) 8 People To Tag
I hate to choose orang lagi cause that's alot of work. so anyone.. carry on. get these questions and tag urself and the others.