I'm bored. Baby conquered the TV.. he is watching a match between Liverpool and Everton. and Everton had its first goal just now. and I was busy taking pictures of my fake eyelashes *lol* I know.. I'm still sakai. gosh.. this will take ages for me to get over it. haha.
Oh I just want to talk about how I miss to sleep at my nene's place with all my cousins around. We used to meet up at nene's place especially when there was function like.. wedding etc. and we all were busy bepacar jua and slept late at night tunggu pacar karing. hehe. and convinced all the cousins to sleep at nene saja. Then, ambil bantal and tidur arah living room nene. sigh. How I wish it was like back then masane. unfortunately, nope.. nada lagi cematu since nada lagi orang kawin. nada lagi function basar2. so yea.
*I can see lines of eyelashes of mine* majal. oh.. I bought ONE TREE HILL season 5. was trying to download them few days ago and ergh.. i'm sure it will take some times that I'm sick of the internet here in Brunei. But I'm thankful I have internet here. hehe *Eyan is talking to himself being emotional I guess*

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