I'm kinda disappointed with the next movie. heh. Its much more fun watching the first one. The story line is just the same. I give it 6/10. I like cinema 1 though. hehehe. Aishwarya Rai was in the movie as well.. she looked so stunningly beautiful. and there's no subtitles last night.. its not that I need subtitles for every movie I watch but then.. remember Steve Martin's English accent? macam.. messy bunyinya ah. I missed out hearing few things.
ohh.. I was surprised twice at school. btw, my surprised birthday celebration. The first one is on the actual day which was on the 4th.. and I actualy get 21 candles as I said in my Facebook. damn. HAHA. Eyan bought the cake from Bakerlyn and he didn't admit it still. I know where the classmates usually buy the cake Darl.. and I know Bakerlyn is not a choice for cutting cost I mean. no offence classmates but true kannn? Its my 2nd Bakerlyn cake. eheh.
Frankly speaking, I wasn't actualy surprised. HAHA. idk.. I'm immune to this surprise thing already since we always surprised everyone in the class.. not missing out even one! last year was bad cause I never had a surprise birthday party! hehe.
my 2nd was yesterday.. I thought you guys are going to surprise Ramzi.. believe me that I sang the birthday song yesterday for Ramzi.. and when they reached "... to Ramzi........ and Zaty" I was like.. "eyh?" bangang jua ku sudah tu. HAHAHA. and a birthday girl was singing a birthday song for herself sounds lame. hahaha.
Thanks Love and dearest Friends.. thank you so much. You guys should have surprise me di Traders Inn. I won't expect that much. lol. Yes baby.. I know your actual plan already. I asked and they told me as you don't want to say a word about it.

p/s Thank you all for the greetings though my sleep was disturbed. hehe. and I switch it so silent mode. HAHA.
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