
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

As much as you argue alot with your family.. your family is always the first. You'll know when you are in my situation. I miss my mother alot. I never talk about them alot in here. But they, my parents, are the best in the whole wide world. Dulu I was a headache to them because I always go against apa yg drg taught me.

and now, at the age of 21, I realised most things why they told us to do this and that. Cause when u get married someday.. they are not gonna stay with you anymore and they don't have that long time anymore to serve you as a child. They never have enough of you as their child. They were with you since you were a baby.. for me.. its 21 years. They read you very well even though its not obvious and you say.. "mama inda faham" bla bla bla. but in fact they do.. they do honestly.

I shouldn't be here at this age. This is not my standing ovation. This is not what I imagined and dreamt dulu.. this is not it. You know what i dreamt dulu? Getting the best job and drive the best car and give my mother a 1.5k every month. Get a maid for them and live in a beautiful house and get married and have a twin babies.

and now.. its too far from that. How would you think I will get the best job with only unsuccessful A'Level and a future ND holder in Business and Finance.. stupid much? giling2 saja ku. Regretting is useless now.

P/s when I say I want a shoulder to cry on.. I just need people to hear me not being manipulative.


Anonymous said...

Its GOOD U sadarkan diri and ingat kan ORANG TUA mu atu. So I think by now U should go back to where U belong. That was strictly RECOMMENDED...Jangan menyasal kemudian hari...:( Enjoying Urself over there doesn't help U much tu....Please think of my words...

Z.A.T.Y Is said...

i'm not enjoying myself btw. u know what.. I don't think I like you in person cause you are mean in words. heh. I don't need you to talk like that to me! and I don't think i'll be needing that btw. Mamaku lagi inda becakap cematu.. mamaku lagi okay with me staying over with Eyan. Please don't interfere. I think I know you.

like what.. u think aku lupakan parents ku? I told everyone .. you don't know me and don't act like one motherfucker. and Motherfucker.. don't use caps!

Anonymous said...

Baiktah bazikir ASTAFIRULLAH...banyak2...what kind of anak u ani?????? U said MOTHERFUCKER? sama jua ertinya kau menyumpah mama mu kali tu! BECAREFUL ujung2nya ketulahan...
Im commented on U bcoz rasa kesian dgn kehidupan mu atu..muda2nya udah macam atu...

Z.A.T.Y Is said...

i don't need kesian from people like YOU. what kind of anak aku ani? jgntah bother. as i said.. YOU DON'T KNOW ME. I never let people read me.. because aku inda mau. just get out of my life! and guess what.. you are not invited bitches!

muda2 ku pun.. bukan nya pelacuran ne aku ani! heh. unlike some other people. You know what.. sedamit2 mana pun umurku.. I have to admit.. berakal lagi aku ani dari "some other people" yg lagi tua yg pernah minta advice and like minta kesian and meluahkan perasaan nya yg sedih fake nya. heh.

Anonymous said...

wowww...someone's not cool. Don't even bother to respond to that shit..biat tia ia judge. You'll b happier ignoring that kinda rubbish..

Be strong gurl~

Anonymous said...

rupanya ada jua org gila support sifat org yang nda tau diri atu...jangan cakap rubbish...ujung2nya kau yang jadi rubbish akhirat...opp!

mudah2an saja kau selamat dunia akhirat ah. udah dibaca2 ur latest blog atu macam kan kawin jua usulnya. alhamdulillah tah tu....mudah2an tah capat merasa macamana rasa susah jadi orang tua