Sunday, December 16, 2007

Today will be the actual day for the Brunei Street Rollerblading Competition organised by B(Lust). It'll start at 2pm I think..well..there is always what you called "Janji Melayu".haha.And umm..YES..I gotta go there with Eyan..I need to take their pictures BECAUSE he's competing too.bleurgh*wink*hope for the best for everyone tho.

Anyway, Eyan is at Bandar now..leaving me with his cousin at home.He participates in the Walk-A-Hunt thingy..hopefully he can answer the questions and get all those required treasures.I read the questions last night..and it is damn brain is not working at all.hahaha.Good Luck then..*laughs*

Review for Saw4: That movie is f***in making me traumatised.haha.Every scene is so bloody full of blood and should I consider it *surprises*..?heh.Anyway, to those who like those kind of'll be siiuukk..except for the censored part (I seriously don't get it why do they have to cut few of the scenes..well..maybe it's disgusting tho). I give it eyyyy..7/10. Good day people!