Tired and need more rest

Monday, December 17, 2007

I've nothing to do except for the house chores which I'm not that rajin nowadays. Regarding yesterday's event (Brunei Rollerblading Competition)..I can say its a success.Having so much fun with all the people joining and supporting their friends or boyfriends (that includes me*grin*) and the presentation of prizes. We went to Yayasan but that was the warm-up session only..then Stadium, Ba'diah, SOAS - this is unbelievable: the ladies climbed up the pagar (and again......that includes me...hah) and lastly Pizza Hut. They finished around 1830 I think. At the end of the day..everyone is tired but full of satisfaction I guess (for the rollerbladers). I'll post few pictures ya..maybe later..haven't upload them to my lappy.

Anyway, the winner is Samsul. Followed by Cefu and the third place goes to Koo. While my boyfriend..he is labelled as....err...i forgot and he got himself a $50 voucher (I like.......*devilish smile*) we share ah?hahaha. Congratulations to all...Ciao!

p/s for more information..do visit http://www.surkrew.com/