Few minutes pet

Monday, April 28, 2008

Went for a picnic at Serasa last week and there..the "little creature".lol. Somehow, I like to touch these little creatures.. the big one doesn't move alot. but the "baby" snake macam hyper.. hehe.

^Mcm bnr wah c jubur ani..lol..ia takut tu bnrnya pasal d snake's tongue kluar2 sdh.ahhaha.

p/s imy baby. Get well soon. Its kinda funny that ur taking my place now.. as in.. nvm. Yes.. i know that u missed me.. and yea.. i'll text you. You'll be busy starting tomorrow ne.. bwoh. Have fun. hehe. and bali kan me barang? ahahaha. You'll be safe.. Amin.


Anonymous said...

oooh, that's sort of scary.

Tacoma flowers