Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm bored much. 12 sharp will be another anniversary.. 2 years and 6 months. I don't know how to be sweet.. I just need to say HAPPY ANNIVERSARY then. ohh mann.. I need to revitalize this relationship. There's nothing wrong with it.. just flourishing it. hee. Eyan.. I love you so0o much.. I can't imagine life without you. I was listening to 1st lady's lyrics.. saddens me and made me thinking. i'm scared much. Don't laugh at me for listening to that song.. idk.. it was random and seldom. 

I'm craving for soooo many things.. crap eh. I wanna go for a holiday to anywhere out from this country for a while. I just wish I have the money. I wanna buy more trousers and more shirts and cardigans. woman woman woman. more bags. 

Another activation of the mind, i've been thinking.. should I continue my study to ITB or not since I got my A'level.. so okay. but I can just skip the 2/3 years.. if I just take another try on the A'level and at least get C or higher then try applying for UBD again. ORRRRR.. should I just work after ND? sigh. can someone give me advices please.. and give me some more other convincing choices? oh well.. 

I've been eating less lately. its my.. brapa hari sudah no proper dinner. few people approached me saying that i'm getting thinner.. not that "thin" in your mind though. I have this temptation to post the "old" me. lol. but nahhh. and guess what.. I'm thankful that I had my period.. hell idk what happened to me. 1 month full of depression + 1 month full of fizzy drinks = unusual.

p/s I love my Emilio Valentino. Thanks Baby.