Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I have this in my mind. lol. its like a virus that cannot be cure. so yea. I cant stop looking at all these things. hahaha. I love the cardigan much. I searched few shopping blogs that sell cardigan and im like.. bulih ku order kah ne ah? it is cheaper in M'sia then here. ergh. 

The gadgets above.. sigh.. I want them badly. hahhaa. esp the phone. I was considering between N96 or E71. I know there will be a new one out soon.. the upgrade version of E71 but hell.. I still want the old one. I read the review already though. nwys, Eyan.. congrats on getting your new baby. Alhamdulillah. Its still a "shhhh" until he announce it himself :D 

Yesterday, OHEF (my business group) did the gardening as that is our social responsibility. damn.. my back hurts, ankle and wrist as well. puas ku meliat cacing ditanah ah.. I shrieked alot.. gali kuuuuu. ergh. We might come to school this friday to finish up the gardening thing cause we have to do the report and pass it up by the end of November.. so yea. 

p/s 400d is officially not with us anymore. lomos might be able to take off my mind of the 400d. it is still fun with the fisheye and holga and diana. HEE.