Thursday, November 27, 2008


human.. human. Everyone is not that SUPER afterall. hmm. so yea.. I got this idea from Eyan and thought of blogging about it. It is about.. should I say bias, self-thinker of perfectionist and what else.. 

ok.. I came across few people and forums as well.. if you are not "in" (again.. with this "in" thing) .. when you are in and you are accepted and close with this group.. then everything you do (dimata dorang) is always perfect-oo even though the others think bad or nda seberapa about you. isn't it true? lemme give example.. you post a picture in a forum and hope for a comment.. there are people who look at the picture as lawa.. I can be open to that but few critics are just not acceptable. I mean.. tekana orang lain.. "nda bulih ne ada shadow cni ani.. avoid this and that.." tapiiiiiii... sudah tekana orang2 durang atu... ahhahaha... walaupun ada shadow cacat... "lawa bro.." "wahhhh.. salute" jubur lah kamu bias bastard. HAHAHAHA.

There are also people.. who think his/her picture is lawa... and he/she bitch about other people's pictures but ia inda tau gambarnya nda jua seberapa. 

Photography is the most obvious thing I can see so far in my life.. golf too.. well.. I hate this thing. Things like staring at other people's "gun" and showing off your toys are also frigging annoying to me. mcm.. bkn jua ko sorang tedapat nda jua payah cematu. 

my advice is.. please ladies and gentleman.. don't be that fucking bias and think you are perfectionist. I don't think I am.. because I have alot to change in me. 


surkrew said...

ahahhahah this is soooo true..... people... *sigh*

hmmm.... am i like that sometimes????