
Friday, November 21, 2008

e3K stands for: KELUARGA, KAWAN, KAMCHENG (s/p)

Have you ever heard of.. "eh ia dapat kraja sana pasal ada urg dlm.." somehow it is annoying because people tend to think that.. "aku ngaleh berusaha tapi ia yg nda seberapa ani plg dapat.." am I correct? 

How true is it that most high ranking people help their relatives and friends to get the job? I've seen alot and heard alot. well.. at times its not just relatives and friends.. it depends on the "gelaran" you are holding on as well. If you are anak "ani" and "ani" .. haa.. yeah you are damn lucky. No doubt about that. 

As of us.. the middle-class population have to work hard and study hard/smart.. get the highest qualification then you can get into the "in" population. how hard life is? eheh. I am not judging anyone about this.. but all I wanna say is.. everyone has rights to say things they want. Why people nda kana bagi same privileges? I know.. everyone has their own place.. if everyone is gonna be given the same privileges.. problem jua tu. haha. entah lah. Allah set everything for us sudah.. might as well just accept it or try to change it by berusaha. 

p/s imy nunu. boring ku ko nada dskulah ah.. seriously. kalau ko ada kan.. bedangan jua ku. hehe.