Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Here are the lists of dvds that i've been watching. I bought The Transporter because I heard few friends said "siukkk berabis" turned out it wasn't.. for me. It could be much more fun if the producer didn't jump from one scene to another scene for only a short period. urgh. not as I expected. plus.. I can't really understand their accent. 

The House Bunny is the best. hehe. The typical blonde movie. hehe. go buy the dvd now :D 
Saw 5 is a disappointment.. its more like a reminisce of the previous Saw. oh well.. Im thinking of buying another movie. I still have few with me that I haven't watch though. hehehehe. 

Yeay.. I'm off to KL this Friday. can't wait. and I'm gonna pick up my cupcakes soon. yeay. craving ku for something sweet~sweet~ 

The beau bought himself a drumset. real one. All this time.. kami main rockband saja. eheh. gosh~~ its so noisy in here. Hopefully this drum hobby thingy gonna stick with him for long. 'cause he is the type who have so many hobbies but only stay for a while. like.. his golf and bike. hmm.. 

p/s Piano and guitar sounds good to me. been listening to acoustic music lately.