Can you believe this? oh my goddd.. I couldn't stop saying that and laughing. You know.. I found few friends from facebook. my "old circle" of friends. and I was scrolling through a friend's picture.. precisely, Eda's pictures. and I found this... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

That person in the middle is ME. hahaha. muda jua usulku tuuuu. hahahahaha. duuhhh.
Anyways, standing (left to right): Kartika, Yuyun, Liza, Me, Aqilah, Kimah and Amal Nabilah.
sitting: Rosni and Eda.
I miss you guys. and guys.. I'm so happy last night that I found you guys via facebook. and like aku nda dapat tidur sampai pukul 4 kali. lol. This picture.. idk.. i think it was during lower secondary where we lepak sama2 tho nda sama class during break time. and we all went to the same sekolah ugama accept Kartika I think. my gawddd.. this was like a history to me. hahahahaha. exaggerate jua c zaty ani.
p/s 2 of them kawin sudah ne :D yeay. and ada anak sudah. yeay.
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