Friday, December 5, 2008

||musique|| Brandy - Camouflage

oh oh.. I wanna show you guys how big my family is that still in contact with each other.. (few hasn't come btw). The 1st and 2nd pictures.. most of them are my 2nd cousins. then the 3rd picture is the family line of Hj. Wahab bin Hj. Othman (my mother's side).

Dulu.. it was much more fun than nowadays. Every weekends, we will go gather at ny nene's place and everyone is like there and im excited to see all the cousins cause we play "carah kaki" and we update each other with new stories. lol. but it seems like.. everyone is getting far-far away from each other. and dulu, we all makan ambuyat duduk di lantai. I don't see my nene buat ambuyat for the whole family anymore. kesian her. 

my gawddd... I just noticed that the girls outnumbered the boys. hehe. oh btw, I still haf all my granny. hmmph.. I havent seen my nene boi from my father's side since before Raya.. he didn't go to our openhouse. sigh. more 1st cousins is gonna give birth soon. I will have more niece and nephew. I lost count already. HAHA.