Today's extra class is cancelled. This extra classes is killing me.. the fact that I have to re-think whether i'm gonna come or not is just disturbing. Yesterday.. Eyan and B went to Jerudong to meet up the 2 professional videographers (to me.. yes.. they are): David Cheok and Ali Jannah. I'm not really sure what they are up to though. I don't have full understanding of that. lol.
Last Saturday, we planned for Miri but then we have to escort eyan's dad and Bro to Labi. its not much.. at least I went to the Wasai there. its my first time. eheh. menyasal ku seumur idup.. hahaha... inda jua ku tau durang ani kan turun masuk ke hutan segala.. I was wearing my jeans and long dress and slipper. ergh.
ROCK PAPER SCISSORS is having their promotion starting yesterday for 3 days ONLY.. They have the BUY 1 FREE 1 only for their members. so yea.. you should be crashing their shops by nowww.
kata nikki.. saja2 ku buat promotion boring ku katanya. hahaha.nice one.
i'm craving for kebab shawarma and takoyaki. sigh. im tired. my body ache much. im lazy. i need to do the laundry badly. and think of what to cook for lunch. I want a longer hair.. lambat rambut ani panjang ehhh. I want facial, massage! I should stop or the list will go on and on. lol.
btw, im sick of myself lately. I guess this holiday and my fucking jobless hours is making me "uri" and emitting the bloody thought and twitching in my head like bitch. gosh.. that pessimistic side of me is ergh.. it annoys me as well not just you. sorry. Obviously you know what you should do and don't and I should stop thinking of it my way. I should..
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