Saturday, January 3, 2009

Firstly, im sorry if im going to offend any people here. but pissed off ku banarrrrrrr banarrrrrrr. it is not my intention to be rude. follow up below:

We (Eyan and I, and my brothers and Eyan's cousin) just had our dinner and thinking of going to HSBC Gadong and on our way to the traffic light.. there's a "terios" on the right lane and Eyan tesalah simpan tangan and ter"hon" and both the persons in the next car lihat us then Eyan angkat tangan menunjukkan ia "sorry" lah ah pasal ia tetakan. 

We all didn't feel comfortable with the fact that we have to wait for the traffic light to turn green while the car is siring us. so we made a u-turn but heading to the same place jua.. HSBC. and my siblings said.. bwoh ikutkannya.. we all joked about it. but unfortunately.. its TRUE. 

Then, to think of whether it is true or not.. kami cuba ke station minyak Menglait but closed then we keluar balik ke jalan basar and that person overtook us and suluhnya kami pakai torchlight! What the F***? why? why? and the "young guy" keluarkan gari and cakap like nearly "shouting" read me.. "shouting" can you believe that? and said kami polis.. turun? my god.. im not a police.. but i still know if that person is not holding anything like pisau or anything dangerous.. nda jua payah bawa beteriak.. and MY GOD... this country is mengamalkan MIB - MELAYU ISLAM BERAJA. didnt they kana ajar about this? EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THIS! 

then Eyan turun.. imagine me.. "bini" how shaky am I??? and all my younger siblings at the back? Then the driver turun and sudah tah kan bekasar... Eyan tried to explain and that person couldn't accept and kept on potong cakap Eyan.. where is your manners people???????? where?????? and the most outrageous one is... adakah suruhnya eyan check urine? wth is he thinking????? my boyf is a druggies, peminum????? mind you... he is not even a smoker. there's nil.. nil... toxic in his bod. f***. and moreeeeeeeee.... he said "urg bukit beruang"? and apaaaaaa?? cakapnya ramai kami tau tu dbukit beruang atu yg nda tantu2 ulah ani apa lah..... apa? ur going to judge "A SINGLE PERSON" on where he/she lives? Orang ani Allah yg ciptakan.. nada urg yg sama2 ulah!! 

and apanah suruhnya Eyan called his father. ckpnya.. mana tau bapamu mengajar cematu. nda kurang ajar dari mana mulut cematu. 

let me repeat.. its not my intention to hurt or to tell everyone here! I just wanna say.. please talk with people baik2 jgn kan nearly beteriak ani. and Eyan is.. you all know.. he is never rude with anyone. eyan said sorry and wanted to shake hands with the person... but the first one can be apologised since ia jalan tarus but the one person that actually nampak eyan keluarkan tangannya kan besalam... and ia lihat saja and tinggalkan? how sad am i to see this type of servants here. im crying. im crying! pity you both.. pity all of you!! you think with your position.. you can do anything? manusia jua masih kitani ani sama2! ujung2nya mati sama2 jua dikubur.. ditanah jua. Tuhan jua yg judge kitani!

what is happening with this Bruneians yg over-sensitive??? whats the use of urg angkat tangan menunjukkan minta maaf??? apa guna tuhan bagi tangan??? 


Anonymous said...

Hi beb lama udah ku inda baca ur blog ani lyk since ku bFacebook hahaha lama jua tu but ari ani tgarak ati ku kan baca ur blog, i heard dz story dari babah shit jua tu polis atu kan mati apa pikir nya smua org sama ulah kah ulah nya tu baik sangat kah!!! kurang ajar aa pikir nya ia police ia ada kuasa kah pegi mampos lah ko ja, cani ja beb complin rah Borneo Bulliten n Brudriect much better f u ingat ia punya plate lesen to dat STUPID police BULLSHIT n EAT SHIT