Saturday, January 3, 2009


Im too lazy to post every single picture.. might as well combine it in 1 frame. hehehe. Guess what? Yati called. I know few doesn't know her. hehe. just a random one to type. 

Anyways, pictures above are during my trip to KL. First one is when we were waiting for boarding, Labuan Airport. heck its much more lawa than airport here. we need renovation! lol. Its modern and big. McD sana pun lawaaaa mbari kan makan saja meliat. hehe. 

Second one was during the Skate Comp at PutraJaya. The buildings there is none like in Brunei. I think Putrajaya is the administration center (government) and buildingnya subhanallah.. banartah. unfortunately, I didnt shoot anything. hehe. basar2 and mcm bukan d m'sia jua usulnya :D 

I haven't told you guys about this.. we nearly miss the boat to Labuan. gila.. down ku sdh. imagine the duit bebayar for the ticket. gilaaa. 

My new year? I don't actually know what I did during that night. oh yea.. we went to cpin's bbq and went home around 11 and played games 'til it strike 12. hehehe. guitar hero to be exact. anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR. its not to late for me to greet init? 

School reopens soon.. like.. 1 more day saja lagi. dayyyymmmnnn. idk what i did during my 4 weeks holiday. perasaanku cuti 2 weeks saja. sigh. im not ready! but i really am looking forward to graduate and work and have my own money and car and everything. hehe. 

Talk about cars.. anytime soon, we will need to deposit to buy a car (yg ku dangar lah ahhh). kesian jua ne zamannnnnn kitani. how the hell people dulu2 get everything and its us who gets the bakas2an the kekejaman? lol. somehow I agreed to the deposit. at least I have my own vision to save money to get what I really want. hehe. its good actually biar urg sadar nda buang duit saja. eheh.