Open Discussion...

Friday, January 11, 2008

People keep on saying "You ready to get married?" WHY? IN WHAT WAY? I still don't understand that. Eyan too think the same way as mine. The only thing that change is the status. Its true.

Is it going to be a problem if i'm getting married when im 20?? Are we going to change sometimes after 5 years? 10 years? Is it necessary for us to know each other very well?? why not get to know each other in our daily marriage life there problem with that? and..what is the meaning of "enjoy tah dulu zaman bujang ani"..what is there to enjoy actualy?? its not like im gonna have kids dis early stage of kawin. mase jua mcm bujang kn tuu??

because my only aim is to finish my study and get a job..and happy life. n not to be cheated. gather with my family especially my parents when there is nothing to "dtagur" on me anymore! n umm..i admit i dont have many friends.. m frickin choosy. The only bestfren that i still keep on contacting is Taqina even though not often like the old times. well..we understand each other. and Eyan is my anywhere-anytime boyfriend, bestfriend. am i being clingy? but Eyan doesnt mind about it.. i did asked about this. but at times i left him to do whatever he wants..but i know deep inside him is worried sick about me whenever he is in front of his pc and whenever i told him to go jalan and just leave me at home. he always thought that im mad at him..but NOooo.

ok..regarding this clingy thingy.. i heard people saying not to be clingy..or else the bf/gf will leave us? is that true? not a queen control...that's for damn sure.

Do leave few COMMENTS on this topic..


Naqiyah Ishaaq said...


All I have to say to this is, jangan seorang mau, seorang inda mau even though they both love each other.

When there is a conflict like this, one of the partner will feel pressured and inda paidah-paidah balum lagi discuss about bertunang putus chia.

So I say take it easy yeah?

Naqiyah Ishaaq said...

Anonymous said...


kawin early is a good thing to do bah. at least, it can prevent any mishaps apa ka anything. moreover, kawin muda also can get know to each other lagi more deeper.

zaman bujang is just like a trademark. everyone is using that whenever people want to get married early beyond expectations. but, we cant deny the fate bah. its already written in our journey life. addition lagi, time kawin pun boleh enjoy apa. haha... bukannya kawin ane tarus in a rush kan ada anak... family planning.

haha... so not to worry abt this k. just relax, tranquil & cool. hehe... im pretty sure, u guys know more better abt this matter. so, this is ur decision guys. cayo2.

p/s: if kawin, jgn lupa invite2 ah. is my comment too long for u? =)

Anonymous said...

haha.....well zakirah, yes only the status changes now la. hehe... that's true! =) not to mention abt kawin, this is regarding about kawin also right. hehe... its all right. future planning.

choose the right decision(s) for the future. i know both of u have planned something. so... all the best yeah. hehe... live life to the fullest with your beloved boyfriend

lastly, about clingy, not all people are like that. and some prefer to be control some nda la. for sure jua tu. 50-50 la okay. tapi sometimes, if over clingy causes problem jua like u written in ur blog ah. hehe... macam2 lagi la. haha... in simple words, NO FREEDOM. kan kan....tapi neutral is better. hehe...

p/s: haha aku ne nada karaja bah yatah i leave u this comment saja. u dont mind kan? hehe... if u mind and feel like this comment is an interruption please let me know ah. hehe *peace*