I couldn't sleep tonight. damn.. its 2.15 already and im still wide awake. not even close to sleepy. sigh. I have this problem for 1/2 days already.. I think I caught up with the urinary tract infection. not that aku minta2.. but it seems like im going to the toilet often. TOO OFTEN. and I feel like I wanna pee every second. damn it. kusut ku seriously. and now im taking in antibiotics. ergh. I have to..
Updates. Updates. Updates. I ordered cupcakes from unamariposa. erm.. chocolate cupcakes with caramel frosting and ermm.. red velvet cupcakes for my flight to KL this coming 19th. eheh. I'm going with both RPS owners and the beau to attend Skate Competition there.
What else? I have a facebook sudahhhh. It feels like a reunion. nyohhh. I bumped into few primary school friends and secondary too. never been happier. hehe. It was ok lahhhh.
ANDDDDD.. today is MY 31st ANNIVERSARY. He was being sweet before falling asleep. He showed me his post. Thank you Baby. and thank you for being open. will try to trust you more. I don't know what pictures should I post here but frankly, there's only 7gb left of the memory on my mac (shows that I have alottttttt of pictures) yet I dunno which one should I upload. Currently is trying to upload the pictures from the iphone to the mac but its friggin slow that I kept on unplugging the cable. ergh.

Picture is by Adada.
p/s I love it when people took a picture of me/us. 'cause most of the time.. we don't have ours. plus we're not vain. lol. Thanks Adada. and I loike this pic. hehe. Sadly, aku nampak lampuh. HAHAHAHAH. oh well..
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