Updates on Attachment

Monday, June 22, 2009

So yea I started the attachment today.. and I felt like I was there for more than a week already. hehe. I know most of the staffs.. I did the admin work, as well as maintenance. and yeay.. i've considered myself having my own accomplishment. lol. My supervisor is not around at the moment.. I'm attached to Sales Department unfortunately my supervisor didn't leave any work list for me. Hence, i'm going all around the departments basically which sounds tiring and awful to me. eheh. oh well.. work work work.

oh btw, here's Eyan's picture of his haircut.. hehe. I love it.

eyan's hair

and heyy.. here's what I meant by we dragged the shoes with us.

eyan's shoes


Zaty is bored and tired and having the backache after for so long. Husband promised me to massage me later on which i'm looking forward to. eheh. Thanks in advance love.

The time flies so fast that I didn't realised it has reached the final time of work hour which is good. shit.. its 11 again? damn it. I'm gonna go for my late dinner and hit the sack. but need to iron baju beforehand. ciao people.