Here's an update..
For the past few weeks i've been hibernating from the outside world.. technically. because.. I'M WAITING FOR THIS DAY. hehehe. Yeay.. finally officially we're husband and wife. HEE. Ask me? How do I feel? I'm ecstatically excited, happy and honored and kambang as well. Though my day starts with gloomy faces due to some reasons I can't go against.. Its my day.. our day. 5/6/09.
I got so serious when the Nikah ceremony starts.. shaky jua ku *grin* So many things to do.. I mean with the signing.. giving permission to my dad as wali.. listening to khutbah nikah (all this time.. I thought it would be longer) then hearing to Eyan's whatever. He was stiff-sounded... lol. and what's funny.. after 4weeks of khursus nikah.. my nene as the Imam asked him "ingat masih apa rukun nikah?" hahahaha. and idk.. maybe those trigger his nervousness.. he couldn't answer. lol. and people laughed.. seriously. You won't expect that question from Imam aka nene lakiku.
moving on.. we took lotsa pictures.. I think. Hmm.. Eyan is goooooddd in front of cameras.. lol. I hope the pictures will go well.
gotta bounce.. I need to lulur my face and hit the sack soon. tomorrow will be my berbedak function/berinai too. Hope things will get better tomorrow. Amin ya rabbal alamin.
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