Boring Updates

Saturday, August 1, 2009

hahahahahaha. sorry for the lack of updates. I'm expecting cobwebs if this blog is physical. lol. I know I know.. I haven't post my wedding pictures.. I think its too late for me to post that.

Life as of now? I'm bulging from today to tomorrow. you get what I mean. Husband is gaining more weight than I do.. lol. and I need to mention it here.. I gain 3.1kg in a month. 0_0 and addition to this topic.. eyan gained 4. hahahaha.
My attachment? I'm starting to feel that I'm doing most of the job in my department since there is only me and my Boss in the department. Imagine that? and I hate stairs.. f*** stairs.. rumah tangga.. kraja tangga. cramp kakiku.

As of today.. 3/8/09.. I went home from work at 10pm.. I hate it. not what I expect.. especially me in my heavy situation and me as an attachment student. damn. eheh. Its all because of a visit by this one particular organisation that'' be tomorrow.. everything is last minute. ergh. I told you.. i'm like know most of my department's stuff. eheh.

I think my husband is doing his office work now as well. I guess he has alot to catch up with since he was on leave for two days last week.